Getting ready to welcome real tutors and real guests back to our real workshops in a month's time (fingers crossed!) - get booking whenever you're ready!

We're excited that, as we slowly make our way to a new freedom, we can start planning our workshops again.
Lockdown's been tough for everyone and we've toyed with the idea of offering virtual workshops over the last few months. Mindful that there have been so many incredible offers for people to learn new skills and take part in Zoom workshops online, we knew in our heart of hearts that we really work best face to face. What we offer is: professional tutors; a relaxed atmosphere; collaboration; conversation and fun (and you just don't get those things online!)
We really can't wait to welcome you all back and so we're taking tentative steps towards offering workshops starting with the next stage of lockdown lifting for the leisure industries on the 17th May. Take a look at our workshops page for workshops that we've added already: a beginners' stained glass weekend, and a fused glass flowers workshop.
We have so much news to share on tutors and classes, new workshops and new skills for you to learn, as well as old favourites, but we're in the process of securing dates and working on plans so follow us on social media (@stokebridgeworkshops on Facebook and Instagram) as we begin to announce our plans.
We want to thank all of you who've waited patiently for us to open - it's been a difficult time but we're determined that we're coming back with a vengeance and that you'll all be safe. Our new rooms make it possible for us to offer more workshops and we can't wait to share news with you as soon as we're able.
Here's to getting together, learning and catching up!
Hope to see you all soon
